
This Service Request Form is designed to make contacting the MCV People team easier for you.


Have you looked for an answer online at HR Essentials? This is a simple and quick way to find the HR information you need.

  • Recruitment, Onboarding and Induction (including Contractors and non-VPS employees) click here.
  • Policies, Forms and Leave Entitlements click here.
  • Probation click here.
  • PDP and PALMS click here.
  • Performance Management click here.
  • Job Resize, Job Reclassification and Salary Above Base click here.
  • Employee Separations click here.
  • Learning and Development programs click here.
  • Health and Wellbeing (including EAP) click here.
  • Workplace Safety (including incident reporting) click here.
  • CPay click here.
  • PALMS click here.
    You can upload a maximum of 5 files, each up to 90MB.